when someone is acting like a suspicious idiot used by anime weebs
e.g. steven and mr martin are sussy bakas
by danielodueke July 5, 2021
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a sussy baka is a type of person most likely an idiot that is acting quite suspectful and is acting suspicious in ways of among us
"he's a little sussy baka but he's mine >:)"
"such a sussy baka i say!"
by justhayden0 June 1, 2021
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he is sus.no you okay so WHO is the imposter. you. not me. no thats you sussy baka
by Susssssssy baaaakakak June 16, 2021
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sussy = suspishos
baka = FOOL
sussy baka = suspishos _stupid_ FOOL
lol i added _stupid_
you sussy
me baka
we r sussy baka
by 69 years ago July 13, 2021
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a sussy baka

Japanese word "Baka" means idiot, fool and stupid, everything along those lines. every other definition people are using the sentences with english.
ben ferries is micahs sussy baka
by daddy micah July 5, 2021
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Sussy = Sussy
Baka = Fool
Sussy baka = sussy fool
by Supereggman January 19, 2022
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