When a black man enters another mans ass who's name is Adam.
I accidentally walked in uninvited and seen an albino stretcher
by B. Black. 66 December 3, 2014
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What 50 plus year old people need after dancing thier ass off at a trippy Lettuce concert.
OMG . I think I just threw my hip out on that psychedelic grove. Call me a Uber Stretcher STAT!
by Big Daddy Mojo February 10, 2018
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A player in super smash brothers who waits on the edge of the map causing the camera to zoom out and "stretch the screen" Also see "camping"
That dick is standing on the edge screen stretching, I can't see shit! what a screen stretcher.
by poping literary techniques September 28, 2009
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A girl with everything good but her cankles. An inverted butterface.
Ex., "You and your girl still together?"

"Nope. Had to end it cause she stretched out all my socks!"

"Classic sock stretcher!"
by Paulypoo November 21, 2014
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A truck, SUV or any vehicle that sits up high so when chicks step into it they stretch that vagina.
"Yo are you rollin through tonight?!"

"Fo sho! Rollin in the VS bitch!"

(VS aka Vagina Stretcher)
by Odizzledizzle February 25, 2014
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A turd, while coming out , that is too girthy for your size ass pipe hole therefore cause ones ass pipe hole to become stretched out ( ripping sensation that hurts beyond belief) to allow the girthy turd to be launched successful.

When one feels they need stitches after taking a massive dump!
Hey why Is mark walking so funny? Oh you didn't hear? He set adrift a hole stretcher after lunch and is pretty wallered up!
by Dowdy_the BBL February 20, 2017
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The act of covering the male genitalia in poop. Then dragging the head of the penis across his partners beard. Note: While performing this act the scrotum should also be covered in waste and stapled to the floor. This is where the 'stretcher' in the name comes from.
We did "The brown goat stretcher" His balls hang out of his pants now
by DrPoopLove April 19, 2010
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