An RPG is a role playing game which can either be graphical or non. A graphic game is Conqueronline aka, a mmorpg and RPG.
When a game becomes too real you should stop playing and stop treating it like real, cause then your a nerd. It's harming your reality because its intertwine with your real life
1. Stop playing that rpg!
by ~gold digger shawn~ May 5, 2005
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The dominant genre of gaming. Means "Really Poor Game" or "Role-Playing Game," depending on your bias. Basically, it is any game in which you have freedom of movement, but is not primarily based around cars, sports or fighting. Just about every game released since the mid-90s is one of these.
I don't like RPGs, but there are many RPG fanboys.
by June 14, 2004
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Rep point giveaway
discord secret thing, unless u r in that server. //🌴🍕
How's called that reputation givong out thing?

-rpg, next one tommorow, maybe gonna win it so rather apply.
by 🌴🍕 September 3, 2018
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1. Short for "role-playing game." A game in which you play a role. Games like Final Fantasy and Pokemon
Person 1: "I love RPGs, they are so awesome."
Person 2: "Yeah, me too! My favorites are Pokemon and EarthBound."
Person 1: "Wait, what? I was talking about rocket propelled grenades!
Person 2: *sighs and leaves"
by TheLopman May 26, 2015
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Commonly known to serious gamers as "Role playing game" where you play as a made up character or team to achieve a goal

(final fantasy is the best)
Dan bought his RPG

Guy: YO whos the char in that game?
dude: a rabbit!!
by matt March 1, 2005
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