A Native from the rez(reservation)that plays basketball. Usually plays basketball very well.
Joey's a real rez baller, that boy's got skills.
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In World of Warcraft, taking resurrection from a Spirit Guide, resulting in a 10 minute debuff and 25% durability damage to your gear. If you spirit rez, you are probably terrible, or you have been bummed.
"Wow, that mage killed me up in a tree, now I have to spirit rez"
by Jeffrey Snyder November 14, 2009
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When a person of the opposite sex "seems" incredibly attractive, but when the person is in closer view the truth is revealed that they are a complete dog.
"Good from afar, but far from good"
by mk November 4, 2003
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The Act of getting an erection on the rez.
Dude, She gave me such a Rez-erection Yesterday!

That's Fuckin' disgusting.
by Cohholy111 March 4, 2011
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A rusty, broke down, peice of crap car that never seems to be fixed yet always runs. comes from reserves mostly driven by indians.
Tyler P's car is a total rez bomb. just look at it!
by En Stevns October 10, 2003
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A person of Aboriginal descent who lives on a rural reservation or Rez and portrays themselves as a urban street thug or gangsta.
by Littlelove January 3, 2007
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