What people say when they throw a deck of cards on the floor/across the room with no intention of picking them up, leaving the job to you. This usually happens after someone loses a card game multiple times and can't take it anymore. Or when you're just in the mood to make some people POed.
Shane: "Black Jack!"
Me: "What!? Again!? That's fourteen times in a row!"
Mikey: "Stop being a sore loser."
Shane: "Yeah, really. It's not like I cheat."
Me: "Yeah well," *gathers the deck of cards, "52 Pick-Up!" *Throws the deck of cards across the room and onto the floor, walks out of the room*
by Carrera's Wedge April 12, 2007
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Popularized by Twitter user @dril.

A Sentence used to tell someone that they're a complete moron, and should go outside for a while, instead of making much more of a fool of themselves
Person A: "I just played World of Warcraft for 12 hours straight.."
Person B: "Dude... Go pick up a football."
by Pimp Roosl November 1, 2020
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a game in which Phil learned at his time in the boy scouts of america. Later Phil sued the Boy Scouts of America in a class action lawsuit.
Phil taught billy 'bout "pick up sticks" alright only he used the Special Scout technique taught to him by his father which was to use his ass cheeks
by BoyScoutsOfAmerica July 26, 2022
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Person One: I really trust you dawg. I feel like you’re always gonna be there for me.

Person Two: Of course bro. I’m always gonna pick up the phone for you.
by ShoulderBoulder December 16, 2019
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The art of taking credit for an accomplishment that you had absolutely nothing to do with.

Alternatively, acheiving a goal only after someone has done most or all of the work for you.
Bob: Damn, that project was rough. But I think I really pulled it off.

Jeff: Yeah..you pulled it off alright. (smiles wickedly)

Boss: Why Jeff, what an excellent job you did on that project, we should talk about your promotion.

Bob: (face turning 10 shades of red, he begins to hop up and down) But..but..no...he's PICKING UP SCRAPS!

Boss: Bob, perhaps you would benefit from some..counseling..
by ManagementSaidSo May 12, 2005
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A term used in prison that is a form of prison rape in which a homosexual (usually black) man in prison at the showers telling a heterosexual male (usually a new inmate) to pick up a bar of soap that he "dropped" by accident. The gay man will say "pick up the soap" in a fierce way, in which the straight man will pick it up with his ass bending to the other man's penis. This indicates that the straight man will be anally raped.
Prisoner 1: Yo nigga, I heard the new inmate just met Big Smoke.

Pisoner 2: Yeah i heard, he suffed from "pick up the soap"!
by therealdealmyg January 22, 2012
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When you ejaculate into someone's mouth and hit the uvula
Wes' uvula is so huge, when I shoot my load down his throat, I always pick up the spare.
by Bri-and... December 30, 2016
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