A cold, creamy drink made with eggs, sugar, citrus juice, and a spirit. It got it's name in Colonial times, when a hot flip iron was used to mull the ingredients in the drink.
I have not been to too many bars that are good at making a decent flip.
by OneBadAsp October 23, 2006
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Flip is a degrading racial slur for people of Filipino descent. It was used way back in the day to mean "Fucking Little Island People" The one`s who use it are just so stupid that they don`t know they`re own culture`s history. So please get it straight.
FLIP is degrading to Filipinos, but most are being stupid and calling themselves that.
by alysserr June 27, 2005
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another way of saying filipino.
a person from philippines.
native to mississauga, ON.
" you don't look cambodian, you a flip? "
by malibog.ako October 11, 2004
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the shortened & rearranged term for filipino.

Flip - "Funny (or Fucking) Little (or Looking) Island People".

Our ancestors were named flips from the Americans as in insult. Just like how they called the african american's niggers. Remember when the whites were seperated from the blacks? it happened to the Filipinos too. They even tried banning the Filipino's from migrating to the US.
She's a Flip.

*remember what Flip really stands for and how hard it was for the Filipino ancestors that went through it all.
by redjoyy January 17, 2005
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1. Alternate to the words frig or fuck
2. To consume ecstacy
3. Give the finger to someone
1. My head flippin hurts!
2. Let's flip this weekend
3. I got flipped off!
by JKix May 20, 2005
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To completely beat a video game. This term was first used for arcade games that did one of two things:

1) After reaching a certain score it would reset back to zero. For instance, a game might only be able to keep track of 9999999 points. Getting one more point after this would "flip" the score to zero.

2) After beating the last level, the game continues but on the first level. A good example of this is Mario Bros.

This meaning of flip was eventually expanded to include games that had formal endings.
by Scherzo January 22, 2007
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