You know that feeling you get laying down in the sand and the sand is covering you like a gay ass Blanket
Bro that’s feels like Baby Moon Pie Shit
by BreezyRang February 14, 2018
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When someone deficates into a paper bag, pours copious amounts of glitter and sprinkles into it and puts firecrackers in it to light on someone's door step.
"Dave needs a sparkling gay West Virginia moon pie delivered to his door step immediately."
by Redfox30 March 9, 2022
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A sexual treat that is the result of doing anal in a shitty asshole and cumming in it. The moon pie is the dick with cum and shit on it.
I fucked the shit out of that chick last night and she ate the Marine Park moon pie after we were done!
by Snake Park Boys February 29, 2016
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When a man cums in between the ass cheeks of another man and smashes his cheeks together creating a moon pie.
Collin gave Kyle a Kentucky Moon Pie and now he has a rash on his butt.
by Underseige89 August 17, 2021
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When someone moons you while simultaneously shooting semen from their anus.
by NVNTR760 May 16, 2022
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When you moon someone and take a poop while doing it
by Nasty Nate 772 February 27, 2022
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v. The act of milking a Beaver's asshole to make extract imitation vanilla.
That guy had a job giving Beaver's a moon pie.
by Mysticmarks August 15, 2022
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