A game played by primary school children. The players divide into two teams who both stand at either side of a the playground, or a netball court or something similar. Someone from one of the teams lobs, or throws a tennis ball at the other team. It must bounce once. If the tennis ball is not caught by a member of the opposing team after that one bounce, the team that threw the tennis ball in the first place scores one point. Games last as long as breaktime does.
by Kay September 27, 2006
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1) a bitch
2) a person eats out another girl
That girl is lobing that other girl

That guy is a lob
by Tykuma December 17, 2007
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a sexual move that involves a woman giving a man a handjob while wearing an oven mitt, thus resembling the claw of a lobster.
Steve: Hey foods teacher, put that oven mitt on and jerk me off.
Foods teacher: oh, you mean give you a lob job, sure.
Steve: oh wow, your the best!
by PITTdav25 October 29, 2007
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Something men do frequently and women never admit to doing
There was a small window of opportunity for me to go about lobbing the lizard
by Hawaiian Con May 4, 2017
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Lob ass means send ass pics
I just asked this girl to lob ass and she sent me meat pics
by Jay02x June 14, 2020
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-phrasal verb
The act of leaning in to kiss another, with an unknown outcome.
Success or failure is decided by the second party reciprocating the kiss.
We were having the craic until Sean, while locked, tried to lob the gob at Niamh and get a snogg when her boyfriend kicked him in the mebbs.
by UgaineMor November 5, 2010
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