A Jew that is so obviously Jewish, you can see it from a mile away.
A flamingly Jewish man would most likely wear a yarmulke, have a long beard, speak fluent Hebrew or Yiddish, only eat Kosher foods,and regularly attend a synagogue.
Mr. Cohen is flamingly Jewish, so naturally he speaks fluent Hebrew and attends a synagogue every week.

by Mr. King1234 April 8, 2009
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Something absolutely unwatchable. The most dreadful thing you will ever see on TV or on a movie. Terrible
I'd rather watch a Jewish Porno than Friends any day
by cock.cocklicker.licker12 July 25, 2011
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When two cars are driving the same speed in both lanes blocking the road for anyone who wants to pass.
Billy was jewish roadblocking the tailgater behind him.
by Billy555555555555 July 11, 2008
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Supposed cause of fire deliberately arranged by the owner to burn down a property or business in order to benefit from insurance money or similar, such as destruction of documents and records.
What happened to that old kvetcher, Max? He's dressed in bright colors and looking so happy...

Haven't you heard? His art gallery literally went up in flames, struck by a fortunate case of Jewish lightning.
by nycgw July 11, 2009
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Synonym for "Happy Hour", the term used to describe a period of time in which bars, pubs, etc. offer alcoholic drinks for cheap!
we like! :D
Roy: yo El Iran, lets go fish some hot chicks at the local bar!

Eliran: bro its only 9:30..


by Royeesha July 26, 2011
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At Christmas time the Jewish merchants are the happiest when they are playing the tune of sales ringing on their Jewish Jukeboxes.
by TIMJB1 September 20, 2006
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