What smelly people from texas that now live in new hampshire say
Are you from texas?
I don't think so
but you are!
I dont think so
by lool September 21, 2003
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'I don't give a rats ass' is a similar phrase to 'I don't give a shit'.This basicaly means that the person who uses these words doesn't care about the circumstance whatsover.Literally,it means the person doesn't care about that situation even to the extent of a rats ass!
Person 1-Hey mate,My girlfriend presented me with a mobile
Person 2-What do you expect me to do? I dont give a rats ass about it!
by Vinks July 23, 2014
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A person who says i dont have time for this Lance makes you think they have time for you but the will have time for you later in either the red or blue lion ;)
Keith- i dont have time for this lance*wink*
lance- smiles
by Voltron_is_my_life June 26, 2018
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A sarcastic reply to a very obvious statement or situation.
Gerry: So you stayed up all night eh?
Phil: Yep and I feel really sleep deprived.
Gerry: Really? You know I heard sleep was a good way to treat sleep deprivation, but again I dont know, I'm not a doctor. I might be wrong.

Andrew: Hey look! It's raining outside!
John: Yea I heard it tends to happen every once and a while....but again I dont know, I'm not a doctor so don't take my word on that.
by Owen Finnegan May 24, 2007
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A fashion of living in which blatant disregard for all other people, their feelings, and their personal belongings is rudimentary. Fucking shit up.
A) I went to that party all "I dont give a fuck style" and ended up shitting on the couch after I punched some nasty bitch in the box.
by M To the Rizzle December 1, 2005
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