While receiver a blowjob you light the pubic hair on fire and it scorching the girl, possible lighting her hair on fire, all the better.
I gave sally a flamin armenian and scorched her head and now she has 3rd degree burns and no hair, ill never tap that again!
by Zack & Dono February 19, 2007
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A exclamatory response usually said after a surprising event or situation.


Used as a an attempt to avoid saying 'Fuck' in front of children with the 'F' prolonged in an attempt to change the word. "FFFFFlamin' Hamburgers!"

Related to Flamin' Hell, Flamin' Heck.
FFFFFlamin' Hamburgers!
by bomberto July 9, 2011
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The awkward and horrible pain in the bum hole after eating a large bag of Flamin' hot fries
by em2020 February 10, 2017
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Variant of Cheetos. Similar taste, same awesome crunchiness, but spicy (and fuckin delicious).
I ate that whole bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Now my fingertips are stained red, and I have an extra 80 grams of fat in my system. Hell yeah!
by Steven Willmy August 26, 2008
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Da Flamin Amazon is when I'm givin her da grissle and right as I'm about to twerk up in her jungle of love I whip out my zippo, set her buckwheat farm on fire and extinguish the flames with my gorrila juice
"What's the flamin amazon ?"
"Da Flamin Amazon is when I'm givin her da grissle and right as I'm about to twerk up in her jungle of love I whip out my zippo, set her buckwheat farm on fire and extinguish the flames with my gorrila juice"
by Uncle Reamus 2097 September 15, 2008
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A poo you take after too many trips to 7 11 buying flamin' hot cheetos and monster energy drinks
"I should not have made that last 7 11 stop! Give it another 15 minutes and I'm gonna be taking a nasty Flamin' Hot Monster."
by luckystiff27 September 28, 2011
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When you eat Flamin' Hot Cheetos and then hours later shit out a red diarrhea that burns the ever living hell out of the ass crack.
OMG i just got off the toilet and wtf i had the worst flamin' hot asshole ever. It was pure red!
by tehrawrz1 March 15, 2011
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