when you are so happy the energy just bursts out of you
laurel and candice are so cute that i just carebeared
by candylaureli May 15, 2011
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Dressed as a care bear give the carebear stare while getting a big load on your face
The carebear blow job is the the most strangest sexual experience of my life
by Toriel Chilli Peppers January 17, 2018
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MMO slang used to label individual/groups of players who detest and avoid PvP or potential griefing in online games. Carebears might be frowned upon by experienced players, not necessarily due to their cowardice and aversion to competition, but because of how they deal with griefers by reporting them to moderators instead of allying up with other players. They are the bane of pros trying to make "Evil" characters in MMORPGs.
Carebears primarily play games with mechanics/server plugins that prevent stealing/killing other players (Safe/Policed Zones, limited-to-none player loot, arena-only PVP, those shitty Minecraft servers with Anti-Grief plugins, etc.) and will complain on forums about PKers, only to be told to git gud.
Most carebears are lowbie solo players, but there also exist PvP Carebears that exploit safe zones to avoid a fair death.

And no, not wanting to get randomly killed by a lvl 70 permavirgin despite your items being useless to him, or have the spawn surrounded by a gang of P2W kids does not make you a carebear.
"Those carebears could simply hire some lvl. 60 paladin to drive away that guy on a killing spree in the town... But naah, they have to ride admin cock and report them instead."
by KeepTheLineKeepTheLineMoving October 31, 2018
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The wide-eyed, estatic face adopted by human females at the point of anal penetration. Alternatively a permanent expression adopted by certain clueless females who believe it makes them look 'sexy'.
I could see her crescendoing to carebear face mode in the wall to wall mirrors as I rogered her.
by Chocolate_Starfish October 18, 2010
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An awesome and adorable bear that everyone loves and does no wrong, Dr. Funshine Carebear is loved by everyone.
Person 1: "Man, I could really use a good friend right now."
Person 2: "You should go see Dr. Funshine Carebear
by addictwithapen28 October 31, 2018
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When you fill and condom with Haribo sugar free gummy bears and ejaculate, then freeze it and use as a dildo.
This chick whipped out a Canadian Carebear last night, and it was kinda sweet that she cared about my diabetes.
by TotallyNotJohnMalkovich January 31, 2019
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An adorable women who dresses in bright colors and uses cute accessories and is very stylish in a sweet and girlish way. But also has credibility on the streets and knows exactly what's going on. She's a a very cheerful and bright soul who loves to party and get along with everyone.
"Hey, look at her she's cute. Dude she's a total carebear!"
"Yup she's defenently got that carebear swag. I'm jelly of her style"
"Same here"
by Pixieluvdust May 17, 2019
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