Wyatt is a name for..

an awesome guy that is sweet and easy to make friends with. he is smart, funny, cute,easy going, caring, loving, and a hell-a-lot more. He is a guy you can go to and talk to and he will actually listen and care. he will ask you if somethings wrong, and he worries. He makes you feel like you are really wanted, and he is just amazing for how he is. and i love him for that. also, He is that guy you don't really see until you actually meet him. After that, you ask yourself why you didn't meet him sooner.
"Who's that kind, sweet person over dar"
"oh, him? thats wyatt, if you want to make a friend, he the guy to."
by ItZ_BlitZ December 19, 2016
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The fastest tetris 99 player in the west.
Me: I appear to have been targeted by a Wyatt, as a result I have no way to win this round
by let'sgo69 March 1, 2019
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Amazing,Gorgeous,Talkative,Super Friendly,Crazy,Sailor-White Trash,Handsome,Player,Uber Fantastic,The One and Only,Someone Who Makes ALOT ALOT of Money, Loves Shoes,Spends Ample Amount of Money on Suits, Looks Hella Good in Suits,Always Makes You Smile,Loves Alcohol,Think I Stole His Crack Pipe,Has 2 Cellphones, Has Anger Managment Issues,Loves Women,Party Animal, Looks Like Brad Pitt, Can Sell Cellphones Better Than ANYONE!,Makes Up Random Stories, People Are Super Jealous of Him and His Super Good Looks,
See that man over there? He thinks he is a Wyatt, but he totally is not!
by Morgan,Katrina,and Rub May 9, 2008
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noo noo! all hail wyatt. oreos are yummy
by caroline April 29, 2003
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The hottest sexiest guy ever to walk the face of the earth and ever body fucks him cause he has the biggest dick and it will make you choke. "CHHGGHC"!
Damn Wyatt makes you choke good!
by David Marchil December 23, 2016
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:a man who loves to have sex with girls,a man who is careing towards everyone and is funny, a man who is basically a slut
Tanner, Adam is such a wyatt, i never knew that about him
by micawber March 29, 2008
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Wyatt is a brave and wise man. He dose what's right even when its hard. He's also very sweet and will warm your heart with his smile. He is great with children because of his patent and loving nature. Wyatt will always protect his loved ones, no matter what the cost.
by Ashley, sister of three September 4, 2016
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