A Man that is controlled by a woman. often acting as a slave in fear of loosing the woman or doing what ever she says.
Friend#1: Sorry i cant hang tonight, my girlfriend is making me clean her toilets for her.

Friend#2: Dude you are so Pussy Whipped!
by pussywhipped69 June 16, 2011
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It's when you ask your friend to come out with you, but he has to go with his girlfriend to a craft show just so he can get some poon tang afterwards.
My friend Tim is the biggest pussy whipped bitch ever, we call him whippy cuz he'd rather watch dirty dancing then go play some baseball.
by whoooooooo yeah March 26, 2004
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1. When the woman has the control in a relationship
2. When the male waits on hand and foot for his gurl
3. When the make is afraid of his woman
4. The sex is real good when the woman's in control of it
1. Dat's right I got my man pussy- whipped in no time.
2. Man, I'm so pussy-whipped that i'm going broke.
3. Friend: "Aye dawg you wanna go to da strip tonight?"
Man: "Naw i gotta be home with Queen by ten."
Friend: "Man......She got you pussy-whipped dawg."
4. At night I make sure i got my man pussy-whipped to the point he says my name.
by Ms queenbee April 1, 2006
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a man who is very submissive to a woman's needs and desires
Eddie can't give us a straight answer about going out because he's pussy whip.
by Gerard Irick September 29, 2009
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When a Man is controlled by a Woman. The Man changes from his usual activities and sometimes when it is a severe case the Woman makes him do things that he usually wound not do.
That dude is so Pussy Whipped, his chick made him cut his hair.
by Your Logic November 20, 2007
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when you are your girlfriend's little bitch and do whatever she wants and even put taylor swift songs on your myspace profile to impress her.
Ryan Ferrell is pussy whipped.
by v.a.c. June 3, 2009
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A “scent of a woman” at ovulation dominated guy, who does not even notice that her Narcissistic Personality Disorder is her best quality.
"Sure, Ramona looks great, but her voice is so shrill and she's such a cunt; how can you stand to be in the same room with her?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are so pussy whipped!"
by Laughing Out Loud June 1, 2007
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