She's gorgeous and loving, she's everything you'd want but she doesn't have time for you. You would find her beautiful in every angle, she's an angel that fell from above. You would fall in love with her by just admiring her, she's funny and thoughtful but she's flirty.

She would still talk to the person who flirted with her not knowing that it hurts you hearing it, she's difficult. She doesn't understand the beauty she holds.
Valerie, i hate you for making me fall in love with you. I hate you talking to that girl who flirted with you on New Year's Eve and also the boy who flirted with you on this month. On May, we parted. On June, you look so happy. Just don't be happier.
by NenengB June 16, 2021
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Valerie is a stunning girl with beautiful brown hair and eyes, that glisten when you look at her. People who aren't close to her think she is quiet and boring, but once you get to know her, she is a wild, crazy, hilarious, and amazing person. She is very loyal to her friends and if someone says or does anything against her or her friends, BEWARE! That person will get in big trouble by Valerie because she cares about her friends.
For Example. Valerie is a Gemini
by ChristianLee March 7, 2019
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Valerie is a cute independent tomboy girl who loves and cares for all her loved one and friends. Valerie's interests are Wings of Fire (book series), Art, Dragons, and the outdoors.She maintly is known for opening people up so they aren't very shy and enclosed with Loneliness. She is a very unique girl and rare to come across she is also known for being a Tom Boy. She strongly dislikes pink, dresses, makeup, and Princesses. Valerie is also strong and very fast she is known for being faster than most boys at school. Valerie is a very special girl even though she thinks otherwise. She usually calls herself ugly and puts herself down saying she isn't good enough,but little does she know he smile can bring joy to anyone's heart!

Girl:I wish I had friends everyone else seems to make them so easily..but I don't know how to make any..

Valerie:Hey..i could be your friend come on you don't have to be alone all the time... Trust me it's not fun and I speak that from experience. Just give me some time and soon you'll be making friends just as easily as everyone else.
by JezhianX356 October 14, 2019
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Valerie is a beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed girl who has a gentle, shy personality but when you get to know her; her personality sets on fire and is an amazing girl to all
All the girls are friends with Valerie!
by Valerie loves cats October 14, 2018
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the one angel that will always make me smile and who will have my heart
Franky: "You're my palm tree"
Valerie: "hahah true I'm a stick"
by ugkyasgringo December 20, 2019
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A girl who stands up for herself. She is a single mother who will do anything for daughter. She is bi sexual, funny, beautiful, and comfortable in her own skin. She is a sarcastic bitch with an awesome sense of humor. If you insult her she brushes off her shoulders.
person 1: hey did you see that bad ass chick
Person 2: Yeah that’s a Valerie
by Youarejustasadcupcake November 19, 2018
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Meaning a stunning girl with the perfect softest and wet vagina. Her body figure is usually perfect with more towards the upper body or boobs.
The girl that sits next to me is really a valerie
by Oxford Dr.Jacobs November 26, 2019
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