
A holiday occuring on the 14th day of February where guys are expected to get girls one of a few things:
1)flowers (red roses preferrribly)
2)chocolate (not white, but the regular)
3)a card (one that's red with a heart on it)

B) That one day of the year where 90% of "good" guys are so depressed they are ready to go crawl in a hole and die because they have no one who loves them.
"Hey hunk, what are you getting me for Valentine's Day?"

"hey man what's wrong? You seem really down in the dumps like you hate the world, you alright"
"leave me alone, it's valentine's day"
by J.T. the Bible Scholar February 20, 2004
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The 14th of February, the day where people celebrate love. One of those "holidays" that helps the stores to make more money off of cards, roses, chocolate, etc.

Also...If you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, then good for you. If you're single (especially if you're single and not loving it) then it's a day in which couples just rub their whole relationship thing in your face. Basically lets single people know very well they don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend (as if they don't know that already).

See Single Awareness Day.
Shannon: "Oh my gosh, Trent and I have been dating for like almost half a year now, and we plan to go out to eat for Valentine's Day!"

Me: "At least you HAVE a boyfriend to spend Valentine's Day with..."
by st_clair59 October 29, 2009
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Probably the dumbest day of the year. You desperatly spend money for something for someone you don’t like very much to pretend there is something there you know is not.
I hate Valentines Day just because I'm single. It's another reason to hate my life.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com December 7, 2007
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February 14th

A day in which cards, candies and gifts are bought for one's signifigant other, in hopes that their signifigant other may allow them to release oxytocin and vasopressin into their systems, making their brain patterns appear as though they are snorting cocaine.

On this day, they are essentially "buying" their signifigant other, so that these love chemicals may be released into their system. It is drug money.
On Valentine's Day, my friend feels the obligation to buy his girlfriend gifts, and in turn, she allows him to feel the love drugs run through his system.
by Psychic Jack February 26, 2004
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A stupid day on February 14th, that is totally commercialistic and has no value to those who are single. Love Sucks.
Fred and Jill were walking down the hall holding hands. All of a sudden someone kicks them and mutters "Love Sucks"
by Nikki January 23, 2004
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Quite possibly the most loaded bullshit holiday ever, who came up with this shit? no seriously who? if i wanna get my girl something i do when ever i want, not just on a "certian day in february" what is that shit. The winter sucks any way.
valentines day is just loaded bullshit, thanks.
by MYNAMEIST February 8, 2007
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A commercially contrived occasion for forced displays of affection.
Stupid Valentine's day!
by skunkpit September 15, 2009
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