yo man john threw down this week there were like 100 kids
throw down
by Emile December 21, 2005
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a bunch of stupid emos that think they are hardcore at a concert that randomly kick and punch the air, flaying aimlessly and look like flaming asshats, some of them pretend they are fighting invisable ninjas, it's funny when they get hurt.
throw down can also mean to get into or start a fight
1. Lets have a fuckin throw down at the show tonight our gang will take on the 368, we will throw this shit down, HardXcoreXXxxxxX

2. if he doesnt fucking shut his mouth there will be a motha fuckin throw down the bitch will get pwned
by Obe1kenobe December 24, 2005
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Smoking herb and getting all sorts of ridiculous on folks, often to the point of lighting them up
Don: I heard you were throwing down the other night?
Chris: Yeah, I smoked herb and then lit a few people up.
Don: That sounds ridiculous.
by Crazy Tony January 7, 2007
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Something scene and emo kids do at concerts or any place loud music they like is playing. They have to be wearing a zip up hoodie, and they put the hood over their head and just thrash their arms around wildly with no concern for anyone else. You could accuse them of being on PCP or some other fucekd up drug, but its usually not the case cuz most emo/scene kids are gay and straight edge.
Guy 1: Dude, I was at the All That Remains show last night and some scrawny, faggy scene kid was throwing down and he almost hit me so I punched him in the skull....I hate scene kids
Guy 2: I huuuurrd that
by Drupt April 27, 2007
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When you are ready to throw it down and give it your all plus a little extra, regardless how fucked up it might be.
Dude 1: "So he was fucking with your girl right?"
Dude 2: "Yeah son! He's gonna pay!"
Dude 1: "You gonna show him up?"
Dude 2: "I'm gonna throw it down like shit in the mouth!"
Dude 1: "Holy shit dude, don't go that far, just knock him out, that should teach him"
by Da Vin Chee February 2, 2010
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To have a party with alcohol, drugs, etc.
"Yo bro, lets throw down this weekend lets go get stuff
by awyssa faye November 3, 2010
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