A women who is the best at giving advice but is most of the time lonely because the one person she likes doesn’t like her but every one else does and this is also the name of the most loyal girl and amazing girlfriend she will love you forever she also will never let you down if u her best friend or boyfriend you are very lucky 😏 she is also beautiful but thinks she is ugly

If u find a girl name Savannah make her yours for the rest of ur life just ask her out u won’t regret it🥰😏😉
Kid 1: dang that new girl Savannah fineeeee😏
Kid 2: back off she’s mine

Kid 3: No she’s mineee
Savannah: how bout I choose 😂
by U_know_whoo😏😏 November 7, 2019
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a girl who is the bestest friend you would ever have . She can be very bookish sometimes . She is one of the friends who if they hear you cuss they will flip . Savannah sometimes be a pain in the butt and wont be a person who gets there work done in class and wont do it for homework . She can be very neat and orginaised and sometimes not . She is so sweet that if you cry she will ask whats wrong and hug you .
Savannah is my bestfriend
by thebitchgonecrazyyyyyyyy November 13, 2018
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Savannah is a beautiful, talented young lady who has so many talents. She is very different from everyone and can make anyone laugh. She has a an amazing voice who can hit any note on a piano! Savannah may seem quite at first but once you get to now her, she is a real handful. She tells the truth no matter if it hurts. She may be out-of line, but can take it when you correct her. A lot of things may be happening in her life, but she will never let them show. Savannah makes can make anyone fall in love with her, and is a hell of a clean freak. She really doesn't have a favorite color because she is so obsessed with leopard print, but if she has to choose it would be purple. Once you have a Savannah never let her go because she will never forget.
GIRL: My best-friend is Savannah she is there for me when I need her.

Boy: Savannah is my everything, especially when "I'M DOWN" she gets me up!!!;)
by thygtbv September 9, 2018
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A beautiful girl with brown hair and green eyes. She loves her beagle, Eleanor. Typically friends with girls named Jess. She has a heart of gold and always knows how to make people smile and laugh. She can throw puns like no other and is always up for a good time. She's a bad ass bitch. If you ever meet a Savannah, never lose her.
Jess: Hey, have you seen Savannah??
Person: No, why?
Jess: She's amazing.
by badassbitchhh13 December 23, 2016
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Savannahs are Completely unique, someone that if you have the privalage to meet, will undoubtly change your life for the better. Savannahs are caring, sweet, and absolutely hilarious, and more beautiful than any meadow or painting, any picture or any scene, but will almost never admit it. Savannahs are understanding, and will always be there for you, and if you are lucky enough to meet one, never let her out of your sight
Savannah is amazing, i love her
by Optimismiskey July 15, 2017
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a short girl who is usually considered very loving and kind and often gets frustrated when you bring up the topic llamas and alpacas. she is very loving, caring, and can make anyone one smile on any given day or on any occasion. she is commonly considered the most beautiful girl in the school and has a wonderful personality.
Hey its savannah I love her she's so amazing.

Its savannah I cant get her off my mind.
by flower power!! September 25, 2010
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A Savannah is a beautiful, intelligent girl, who may or may not have a boyfriend. A Savannah's are mostly in middle school 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. A Savannah is a girl who will tell you the truth, she may lie at times about liking other boys but her current boyfriend is the most important crush of hers. Savannah's are most likely blonde,but if she's a brunnete that's a rare find. She may not have the perfect body but she has the most awesome heart. <3 <3 She is trust worthy it's difficult for her not to forgive you. Her boyfriend is an awesome baseball player and he is awesome. A Savannah doesn't realize that she is very beautiful, HOT, lovable. she doesn't know that lots of guys like her SHE DOESN'T REALIZE AND SHE FORGETS. You have to keep reminding her. She is very smart but can be a dumb ass sometimes. She is in some or all honors class. She is not athletic sometimes. She is tall-ish. DID I MENTION BIG BOOBS AND DECENT BUTT. :p


also her boyfriend can be a WYATT, ROE, WILLIAM, OR A CAM. Whichever fits best.
"That girl is a Savannah"

Person 1 (montgomery): I want to date her !!!.

Montgomery's Friends: No Montgomery, she's dating Robert!
by incomingcallfromfart December 1, 2013
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