A basic stuck up bitch that goes mental if things don’t go her way, she also takes advantage of the people that like her continuously beging for attention 24/7 and get other people to do her dirty work. NEVER DATE LEA
“ That Lea is such a bichey drama queen
by TR_U_TH July 6, 2018
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Person 2-Naw what you saw was Lea
by GayBlackDude May 23, 2018
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a girl that dies her hair way too much you dint even know what her real hair color is
she is really nice but eats too much dick also really straight so all those gay girls got no chance
by lmao cant live October 26, 2016
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a mean rude black girl with curly hair who does not like people who is a loner in love with a boy named kyle wood and may be romanticly involed with her teacher ryan.
Oh my gosh do you see that lea she is a loser.
by portia neth March 27, 2014
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a complete cunt that has no soul and just wants to be popular. lea is a bitch that will kill any body how doesn’t like her who lives on beach ave watertown ct
lea is a jerk who will trick you into being your friend and is a bitch or a hoe
by Lilnaz6912345 January 10, 2019
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A whore, backstabbing, full of her self, lying ass bitch who only does things for herself and only wants to be popular and dresses awfully
lea: omg hey I missed you so much
person 2: awe me to
lea: jk I fucking hate you you look really bad today
person 2 to person 3: ew I hate her so much I could kill her
by PB+Jwangmaster November 25, 2019
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Lea is a person.
She is also a little boy.
She is scary.
Even though She is a boy, She is Pretty and funny, Yeet.
She makes risotto and mojito.

- Chow
Oh no, Lea is coming. Get the fuck outta here.

Bro 1: bro i feel so drunk rn.
Bro 2: your donerer than lea though
by Chad McFail October 23, 2018
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