An occupation. A grammar nazi would proofread Hitler's speeches, ensuring that all grammar was used correctly and effectively.
It's important to speak correctly. A grammar nazi would proofread the speeches used by Hitler to ensure the preservation of the beautiful German language.
by SlickSerpent99 May 27, 2018
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Someone with both a greater standard of all aspects of grammar (than most people) and the willingness to uphold said standards in all that (s)he says and writes, including but not limited to speaking in casual conversation and typing on the internet. Grammar Nazis are not constrained to the internet.

Zealous Grammar Nazis are also known to correct the grammar of other people when they feel the need to, although the act of correcting grammar does not necessarily denote someone as a Grammar Nazi. Someone who indulges in pointlessly correcting people, particularly nitpicking trivial mistakes, is more often a Grammar Troll. That's something else entirely.

True members of the Grammar Nazi Party will politely correct other people in a manner that does not shame the recipient and is always of mistakes that either change the meaning of the statement or are apparent that the recipient is ignorant of. Misuse of the apostrophe in "it's" and "its" and the misuse of homophones, however, are often corrected even if they do not apply to aforementioned standards.

As it has been mentioned that Grammar Nazis are not constrained to the internet, it should also be noted that Grammar Nazis interact in all languages that have codified rules of grammar (i.e. all official world languages). Some fictional languages, such as Klingon (Star Trek) and the Ancient Language (The Inheritance Cycle) are also included.
We Grammar Nazis take our languages, and thus their grammars, very seriously.
by tkdrocker806 December 27, 2014
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An Asshat that normally trolls forums looking for posts to correct becuase they have nothing worthwild to add to the thread..
That asshat mike is a grammer nazi and is a freeking troll.
by Blake May 6, 2005
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Some random douche:James is being a grammar nazi!
Jame:How about you graduate 2nd Grade and we'll talk
by Grammar Nazi September 22, 2015
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Grammar Nazi: My head exploded after seeing this definition! I must correct all of his grammar mistakes or else I will die.
by tinycrate August 18, 2015
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Someone who is addicted to correct usage of the English language; often a synonym for copy editors
by Bleh November 23, 2002
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a person who does not like incorrect grammar
person: look at that dude he awesme at skateing grammar nazi: awesome* and skating*
by fuzzylane August 7, 2012
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