It can be a replacement for any verb. The origin comes from the word for Minecraft dog, Fopple.
by Furret Libre July 28, 2020
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In more official terms, FOP stands for Final Operation or more colloquially known as Fuck Off Party.

The FOP is the final event that is held for a well known acquaintance before they move away permanently or from a section from their life if seen fit. Normally the Hate Game is played
Person 1: Did you hear that Michael is moving abroad after he finishes his course?
Person 2: Really?!? We need to organise him a FOP before he goes
by ghirlinu January 27, 2020
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when you fling flap your fling florps
why is onii chan fop
by Carl the autism December 19, 2017
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Plural form - fops. Grown men who still reside in their parents basement; likely unemployed and sexually/socially inactive. Likely to be seen in a trilby, duster jacket, and fingerless gloves. Ardent defenders of waifu culture. Lack of social skills, awkward presence, and cringey public behavior define them; Such actions are but are not limited to wearing of risque anime T-shirts , use of "M'lady", and pursuit of women through means of aggressive friendliness. Warning signs you are in presence of one are but are also not limited to use of incorrect Japanese, excessive knowledge of 4chan, and the possession of a Guy Fawkes mask.
"I met this 30 year old guy wearing a Love Live t-shirt and Sketchers. He called me kawaii. What a fop"
by KirinJP March 3, 2017
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FOP stands for not only fucking old people but also Fear Of Parents.
Example: person #1: Hey did you hear jack has FOP?

person #2: What is that?

Person #1. It stands for Fear Of Parents. every time he tries to talk to a parent he shits his pants
by ihaveneutralfeelingstoward January 24, 2022
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1.) A yellow-bellied pansy queer.
2.) A retard.
3.) Someone with the attention span of a dimwitted goldfish.
4.) Raoul from Phantom Of The Opera.
5.) See Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
1.) Raoul is such a fop!
2.) ZaQ is'nt a fop... Or is he? ;)
3.) Icia acts like a fop sometimes. It's funny.
4.) Raoul is a fop... And always has been, will be.
5.) See Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
by Icia October 11, 2006
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Fucking Old Person (Basically an old stupid person)
That FOP almost ran me over.
by squaky December 3, 2006
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