When someone is eating a lot of something or eating something very fast.
Wow he's fucken that shit up, he's eating so fast
by March 1, 2021
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to Whyle the fuck out and go crazy without giving two fucks about anything!
by BossAssOfficeB's February 22, 2021
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(1) to mess up, to make something fubared, and/or to mess with for no reason

(2) to smoke a certain amount of weed therefore messing your self up
i'm bored, we aren't doing anything, lets go fuck some shit up
by kay December 9, 2003
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To cause trouble by being careless on purpose, or to cause a riot.
Also Used in a song from be you're own pet
"Have fun, and be safe with it, just kidding, FUCK SHIT UP."
by .E.D. August 19, 2006
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If one is 'uncool', a cool person said, "let's do something cool" and said 'uncool person' agrees does do the cool thing he/she has "Tightened Shit Up"...
To apply liquid nitrogen to the anus prior to penetration through a gentle vapour gas expulsion with no more than twenty PSI thrust from machine of choice.
To apply polyethylene 1 1/8 clamps to each side of a vagina and penetrate with a 1 5/8 dildo, 10 inches in length... (Not healthy or recommended)
1: Footy G asked Ryan if he wanted to hit a cashier, drink some Tequila and beat up a midget. Ryan agreed; and he "tightened shit up".

2. I "tightened that shit up" on that chicks backdoor. Now the chemical sign for Nitrogen is still Ni, however now it means "Not Inside!!!"

3. My clamps barely held her meat curtains so I had to "tighten shit up" with booster cables.
by r2says February 19, 2014
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the act of getting wasted off of stolen alcohol; typically followed by various acts of destruction upon a neighborhood, which may or may not include the act of burglary/grand theft
I'm bored, lets go fuck shit up
by duuuuuuuuude123 May 16, 2009
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to consume drugs, consume alcohol, party, and get fucked up!
Afro: What are we gonna do tonight johnny?
Afro: Ahh fuck shit up!!
by Afro<-- October 7, 2010
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