A selfless asshole who blames fights on the other person and says that they play the victim when that is litearlly all they do
by TheHydroHater June 5, 2020
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A terrible friend. She will be friends with you for a long time and then turn on you. She has multiple fake friends and has a crush on a boy that she can't get. She will talk about this dude all the time. It is best that you stay away from her
Guy one: ew did you see tiffany
Guy two: she was talking about that one kid
Guy one: ikr
by Oliva adam December 4, 2019
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She loves to laugh. She has big beautiful eyes and dark hair. She can move her hips like no other. She is loyal and always knows how to make you smile. Don't let her Spanish speaking fool you because she's also a country girl. She loves dogs and love boys who have a nice butt. Her heart is gold and she knows how to show you a good time.
Boy: Did you see that girl in those cowboy boots but speaking Spanish?

"Yeah that's Tiffany! She is a hot sexy Spanish speaking country girl!"
by gotanyapples February 27, 2017
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Very rude and mean she will use your secrets a sister dinomite and she's not cute and very fat she's will always fuck you over don't trust a Tiffany
Tiffany has no friends
by Appleberry October 3, 2016
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A Girl from Canada that claims to be nice, but actual is an anime loving nerd who knows to much about anime and watches too much hentai
Dude, you're such a Tiffany
by ItzShade August 9, 2018
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Annoying dirty blonde who makes threats to people and Assumes things.
Ugh look here she comes shes such a Tiffany
by DELETER OF WORLDS September 25, 2017
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