a prestigous school located in Memphis, TN that allows young women to develop their leadership and academia in addition to preparing for college. School mascot is the turkeys.
you're so St. Mary's Episcopal School if......

-you get a calculator for christmas
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the best school ever. you can smoke weed all day and write papers trashing capitalism all night. st. mary's is where you go to study the rest of fuckhead population USA. kids there don't give a shit what they're going to do after college, they'll be a teacher or something. this school makes you a better human being. also the professors are awesome.
"so what's your essay on?"
"i'm turning my paper for 'sexuality in modernism' into a paper about communism."
"oh yeah, i forgot you go to St. Mary's College of Maryland"

"where are you?"
"i'm at St. Mary's College of Maryland. i'm drinking beer with some people on a beach but all they have is natty bo."

"i'm a student at St. Mary's College of Maryland, and i'm so high i don't even remember what i wrote in this urban dictionary entry"
by realdumper283 March 12, 2010
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Small liberal arts college on the St. Mary's River in southern Maryland. Known (though this word is used quite loosely) as the 'the Public Honors College,' St. Mary's prides itself on the things a liberal arts college normally would: a warm and intimite atmosphere, a nice campus and a broad but balanced education.

However, after a period of prolonged exposure (15 hours or more) the atmosphere of warmth and intimacy deteriorates into smugness and paranoid colostrophobia, the niceness of the campus dies along with summer leaving it a barren and bleak gulag, and the broad and balanced education you thought would make you a better overall person merely prevented you from advancing professionally in any specialized field and instead transformed you into the most pretentious drive-thru manager your local McDonald's has ever known.

Also known for frisbee golf, May Day and Hallowgreens. Whether or not you like frisbee golf (it's rarely called 'frolf' since there is no desire to save time among SMCM students as their time isn't valuable to begin with) you will find yourself dodging plastic discs at every corner of the campus. May Day, the day in which students run naked from one end of the campus to the other, is the very reason indeciency laws were drafted. Hallogreens is the crowing achievement of the drug and alcohol addictions that students have developed since their attendence; an event made even more special by the fact that students blackout in their own vomit (among other bodily fluids), dressed as their favorite 80s cartoon characters (a chilling visual representation of lost innocence. Sorry- that was the liberal arts degree talking).

If you're looking for a chance to never bathe again, save your birthday when you'll be foricibly tossed into St. Johns pond and subsequently contract cholera, to smoke weed, to drink cheap beer, to kick start a life of depression after your professors point out the infinite problems of the world without offering a glint of hope or feasable solutions resulting in you eventually blowing your brains out in the tub at the age of 27, to pop your collar and be either a WASPy bastard or a damn faux-hippie then early decision starts December 1st.
Example #1:
Tony: Hey, so where do you go to school?
Jack: St. Mary's College of Maryland.
Tony: Oh Mount St. Mary's! That cool. I--
Jack: No, St. Mary's College.
Tony: *blank stare*
Jack: In St. Mary's county.
Tony: *blank Stare*
Jack: In St. Mary's city.
Tony: *blank stare*
Jack: On the St. Mary's river!
Tony: *blank stare* ....Mount St. Mary's?
Jack: *hits Tony with a shovel*

Example #2
Employer: So it says here you attended St. Mary's College of Maryland, the public honors college. Could you elaborate on what a 'public honors' college is exactly?
Sarah: Well, I-I'm not sure. I think it's because we're all honor students at heart.
Employer: *shakes head* Wow, thanks. Don't call us. We'll call you.
Sarah: *cries*
by m. kw January 23, 2007
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A English Secondary School Found In Bishop Stortford, Hertfordshire. As This School Is The Only Catholic School Around The Area. 70% Of Students Travel To School By Coaches Supplied By The Council.
One Of The Most Popular Storys Is About The 'Gray Lady' A Nun Who Appears To Haunt The Language Block Tower Of St Marys School.
The School Is Going Through Many So Called Improvements; Some Better Than Others.

The Current HeadTeacher Is: Mr Sharpe
St Marys Catholic School Wooooooooooo
by 12437102478 April 13, 2007
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The St. Mary's dance is a dance done at St. Mary's College of Maryland to continue with the belief that we can still pray while we have a good time. In this dance people cross themselves while dancing to show that they can be religious and have fun at the same time.
Amanda: I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to church tomorrow, so instead I will just do the St. Mary's dance when I go out tonight to make up for it.
by youknowmeas... May 15, 2008
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This is a school that has the principal been removed by the fellow students. The students have elected one of their own as the principal... Chingynot. This school is the first in the world to have a student as a principal.

The school consists of lack of life and a thrill of boringness. That is why the principal has been elected out by a fellow student.
Damn St Mary's got a new principal that is a student?! WHAAATTT???!!!! St Mary's Catholic College Casino have made the right move.
by srddd June 18, 2020
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The only all girls, Pre-K through 12 school in Rhode Island.
Pretty much every where you go out in public, you see someone you know that goes to Bay View, is a parent or grandparent of a Bay View student, went to Bay View at some point in their life, or knows Bay View as their "sister school"- aka, the Hendricken boys.
Bay View puts on a kick-ass show, called "Manhattan at the Bay" or better known to the students as cabaret. Everyone in the state of RI either has seen this show, or knows about it.
Bay View also offers every sport that a girl can play, and basically beats every team in the state, whether they're girls teams or not.
St. Mary Academy Bay View hallway conversations go like this:

Girl 2: NO WAY! well, why can't vampires have short hair? I mean, vampires can cut their hair, what's the big deal?!
Girl 1: Yeah, that's true, he still looks good.
by Johnny Jacob February 18, 2009
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