A snitch who looks like an alien considering his enormous forhead. He thinks he knows everything about PHP and Java Script but he actually just copies code from YouTube tutorials. He claims that he can hack, but his only accomplishment is sifting through a text file to find a simple password for a Twitter account. He constantly threatens to file police reports due to him not being able to do shit to anyone.
Harry G: Woah there buddy, don't be such a Seth.
Seth: Too late! I already filed a police report on you and I'm going to hack St. Lucie's again!
by Harry Guild February 4, 2018
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A gay hippie, often shows friends his dick and shits in the woods
"shut up seth, you gay hippie"
by im wierd December 4, 2017
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1. The third person to ever be named by man, means "granted"

2. Adam and Eve's third child after Cain killed Able.
Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him."
Gen. 4:25
by Christina14327 July 15, 2008
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Someone who can improve your day merely by telling a joke
I was tired, and I forgot to do my math homework, but this kid was joking around and he totally sethed my day.
by SurelyYouLied May 25, 2009
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An extremely cool kid, often dresses nice, wear sunglasses, is egotistical, intelligent, has a high income, and drinks Red Bull on the rocks quite often.
Female: You look sexy today, you look like a straight up Seth!
Male: Oh ha ha, you know me...=)
by Mr. Player April 4, 2008
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A boy in a mans body. Not the cutest guy in the world but not ugly either. Hes verry caring and if you manage to lock him down, keep him. His huge cock will have you satisfied and craving more
Wow seth is hot stuff

I wish seth was all up in my guts
by Maxipadd772 August 26, 2019
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A sexy hottie that knows how to get the girls he usually sticks with one girl at a time though so all you niggas need to find a frikin Seth and date him cause everyone likes his sexy frikin ass of seths. They usually have huge penises and all the girls like that.
"OMG do you see that sexy hottie over there named Seth"?

"Oof I would like some of that seth"!
by Oof.yeah.sexy. March 26, 2018
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