Usually a being of below average physical apeal to women. Often found somewhere near a Honda Civic sucking back either vape or cigarette smoke. They tend to inbreed within their clan, causing their genetalia to not develope fully.
“He looks like a real Sabine”
by Berrymacockiner February 7, 2018
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person 1: hi sabine
sabine: hi
by antgum February 8, 2023
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Sabine’s are one of the most amazing girls you will ever meet they are outgoing very passionate and will always bring a smile to your face when your at your lowest and are probably the only person I know who will use a semicolon in text
You: man today sucks

Sabine: why’s that?
You:I failed a test

Sabine: well there is always room for improvement so don’t give up!
by Lil Koob October 4, 2021
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Sabine is the most passive aggressive person I have met. Though I love her, she cannot apologize to save her life. It sucks. She can be loving and caring, but most of the time it’s to other people, not me. Even my parents don’t like her and I keep telling them they’re wrong. She has caused me lots of issues but she’s also my closest best friend. I love you.
That’s Sabine! (love or hate her)
by em111 June 20, 2023
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The man, the myth, the fucking legend. Wears way too, many hats, loves tennis but works as a soccer coach part time so he gets to hang with the love of his life, Nico Campbell. Sexy beast, although he lives in a storage unit. Currently holding tennis prodigy Harry Collomb hostage.
Mike Sabin is so fucking sexy
by Tennisbabes6969 October 29, 2018
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