Down ass chick with a heart of gold.
Loyal as they come, Will have your back for life unless you give her a reason not to.
Puerto Rican Paige that's my home girl
by Mrs Watts October 18, 2016
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This is where you are sitting at a stop light waiting to turn left and there is traffic in the other lanes waiting as well. When the light turns green if you have successfully turned left before any of the other cars in the opposing traffic go straight through the light you have successfully completed the Puerto Rican Sneak.
Dude I was sitting at the intersection today and some stupid blonde was texting and I got a Puerto Rican Sneak on that bitch! *high five*
by sneaker. May 3, 2010
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n: To change lanes two or more times consecutively without the use of proper turn signals to indicate the lane changes. aka the Miami Shuffle
Check out that guy. He just pulled a Puerto Rican slide! He's doing at least 90!
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The act of cumming in the hand of a latino.
Joe got so drunk on margaritas he Puerto rican panhandled a migrant worker while leaving a tip at cozumels last night.
by Scrotto Saggins November 18, 2012
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A Puerto Rican Roadblock is when you are on a 4-lane highway, and you move beside another car and match it's speed. This is normally done to piss someone off who is trying to get around you.
Bob: There's a guy in a sports car is coming up really fast.

Rob: Pull up to that other truck and do a Puerto Rican Roadblock

Bob: Haha, yea. Lets keep him behind us until we hit our exit in 50 miles
by THE Mr. Waffle January 27, 2010
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Traditionally the Puerto Rican Joust occurs when two men decide to partake in a dick measuring contest, but lack the necessary instruments needed for comparison. Similar to a game of chicken the two contenders advance towards each other on foot (rather than by automobile) with fully erect penises . Whom ever makes physical contact with the tip of there member and the opponent's abdomen (usually the belly button) is proclaimed to be the victor of the joust. If one of the contestants halts or strays from the path of collision he or she is disqualified and declared to have and/or be a pussy. The use of PDE5 inhibitors e.g. Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, is not prohibited, but strongly frowned upon.After losing a joust, whether physical or mental, injuries often result in post traumatic stress, self mutilation,homicide, banishment and/or suicide.
The most famous puerto rican joust was between popular hip hop star Justin Bieber and eccentric pop star Lady Gaga, the contest was officially declared a tie.
by ScottWeaver December 29, 2011
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To switch two lanes on the highway at once.
Shit fool, you almost created an accident trying to pull a puerto rican shuffle
by freeryder March 13, 2009
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