The dankest song on the internet of Fall 2016 10/10 IGN (Also standing for pen-pineapple-apple-pen)
by WeinerMan420 October 23, 2016
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The stupidest, most overused and retarded meme to ever exist.
Stands for "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"
(PPAP) I have a pen, I have an apple, UGHH... Apple pen!
by xxPussyLickerKickerDickerxx November 2, 2016
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An internet meme song sang by an old Japanese man wearing weird ass clothes, combining an apple and a pineapple with pens whatsoever.
Person 1: Have you heard the PPAP song? Let me show yo--
by benedick_cucumberpatch November 7, 2016
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Have u heard of ppap no well this is it
I have a pen I have an apple uhh apple pen ,I have a pen I have pineapple uhh pineapple pen .
pen pen apple apple
by Zozoozielovefries November 30, 2016
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short for: Pen Pineapple Apple Pen
Its a song. Look it up. its hilarious! XD
You can annoy you'r friends, by spamming Pen Pineapple Apple Pen (PPAP)
by Penoodles September 28, 2016
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Stands for Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen, a quote from a Japanese viral video (in English) that is hilarious and has a 99.999999999 percent chance to get stuck in your head. Some people find it annoying. (not me)
"Dude, are you singing that PPAP song?"
"Yeah! It's just so catchy and is stuck in my head!"
"OK then..."
by PPAP_IS_THE_BOMB October 24, 2016
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A: Have you heard of PPAP?
B: I did, i shouldn't of tho.
by question. November 23, 2016
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