My Chemical Romance is a band that hails from New Jersey.

Many would describe them as punk/emo/goth/pop blah blah BLAH! Well guess what? THEY ARE NEITHER OF THOSE!! DO YOU HEAR?!! NEITHER!! IT'S JUST MUSIC!!!!!! If you want to hear any of the aboved LABLES, why don't you go and find someone who is a punk, emo, or goth? You all have no fucking clue what you're talking about and should really get lives.

Band members include:
Gerard Way- Vocals
Frank Iero- Guitar
Mikey Way- Bass
Ray Toro- Guitar
Bob Bryar- Drums

All of you haters out there, go and throw yourself off a fucking cliff. If you don't know who MCR is, or haven't even LISTENED to them, I suggest you do going around labeling bands because, most likely, you are either punk/emo/goth WHATEVER.

MCR is the greatest fucking band I've heard, and if I could, I would shoot you all in the head and most likely eat your brain. So, do us all, the MCR fans, a favor: SHUT THE FUCK UP
Gerard and My Chemical Romance are AWESOME and are NOT EMO.
by InsanityIsNotACrime April 8, 2006
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A band who I myself enjoy listening to, but who by no means deserve the shit they recieve by people around the world. Just because they have simple guitar riffs doesnt mean they are bad. A bands credibility doesnt lie within their guitarsists abilities. It lies within their efforts they put into the music, and the way they put music together. Their band of teeny bopper fans who they have gathered since the release of their third album will soon be dismantled once they realise MCR's true potential. MCR's singles were not amongst their best songs, but their imagination for putting the video clips together deserves credit. To anyone who wants to call them emo, goth, punk, pop, whatever, do so at your own will. The true MCR fans will stick by them no matter what, and they will endure any flak from anyone who throws it at them, but know, every band has its haters. every band has its avid fans.

and every band is amazing in what they do in their own way. they all have fans, they all have haters, they all have labellers and people who hear one song or see one picture and pass judgement.

to all those people i say; get over it. go back to your own music and leave the others alone.
Teeny bopper: omg i lyk listen to lyk these bands lyk im so emo.
Rap fan: like what
Teeny bopper: my chemical romance lyk. lyk there so hxc after welcome to the black parade lyk. theyre lyk number 5 lyk.
Rap fan: fuckin pussy.
Me: your both losers.

by jilly.n December 8, 2006
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An okish band far over rated and with a similar average fan age of Busted. Other then the fact that people speak about them like they are so original and far overate the bands looks they don't suck too much. they can be considered emo (OMG he said mcr are emo when they're not, yes, they have quite emotional lyrics and are not helped by the fact that many of their fans label themselves as emo) They do actually have their moments lyrically and overall. But as for Gerard being the sexiest man in the world or MCR being the best band ever i think you people who believe that need to red pill.
Guy: "i'm not that much of a my chemical romance fan, they're ok but y'know not my thing"
girl: but they are the best band EVER!!! OMG what i wouldn't do to Gerard.
Guy: isn't he like married?
*girl cries*
*guy resists temptation to slap girl*
by Chris Boz December 5, 2007
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Shitty, suckass group full of non talents. they are the worst "rock" band ever. their lyrics don't make any sense, they claim they are "emo" but they aren't(even though real emo still sucks). their fans are all teenyboppers who probably didn't even know rock existed before MCR.

(( gerard way is gay, also. Him and Bert McCracken are dating. ))
A Real Emo Band: At the Drive In

Fake Emo Band: My Chemical Romance
by knownaim February 5, 2006
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My Chemical Romance Are Not Emo...
Me: My Chemical Romance Are Not Emo...
Narrow Minded Fool: Yeah They Are!
Me: Fuck You... They Are More Punk Than You!!!
by Sweet Revenge November 24, 2005
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A great band that originated from New Jersey. Their first album, "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" is simply amazing. "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge" is just as good. Although My Chem. is getting a lot of publicity from things like MTV, or VH1, and junk like that, does not, mean you should stop liking them or enjoying the music they put out to their fans. Since most of you are being ignorant, heres the thing: They are NOT "emo-assed punk losers," they are themselves. They did not try to copy other bands.

"This is a band to save your life.." - Frank Iero (Guitarist of My Chem). And it does.

Many people dislike them because they think they've "sold out," became a cult icon for "teeny-bopper girls," or, "poseurs." This is not true. They have not sold out. They're fanbase are not "teeny-bopper girls," but I admit, there are a few out there, but it doesn't matter. If you like them, you like them. If you hate them, think to yourself, "Do I hate them because they're really "mainstream," a cult icon for teeny bopper girls, poseurs, and losers? Or is it because I hate their music, or it's just "cool" to hate them?"

If you have any further criticizing comments about this wondrous band, pick up the FIRST album "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" before assuming anything else. If you pick it up and listen to it, and still dislike them, then whatever.

But know this. If you hate them so much, why are you looking up My Chemical Romance, then?
I was listening to Our Lady of Sorrows by My Chemical Romance today.
by electrickkboom March 21, 2006
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First off, are a band that has kept me alive through music.

Is a band from Newark, New Jersey that now have three full length albums. (1:I Gave You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, 2:Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge and 3: The Black Parade) My Chemical Romance get alot of undeserved shit from the public. They truely are amazing guys. And they do not make Emo Music (Emo music is non exsistant at the moment. It was around in the 80's. And anything now that sounds like it should really be called, "Post Emo.") My Chemical Romance make "Violent Pop Music." And these things that people say about them are so unbelievebly stupid. And the people that say them, ovbiously do not know anything about My Chem. Because if they really knew shit, they would actually probally like them. The whole reason that people do not, for whatever reason, like My Chem, is because of this thing in the world called cliques and labels. And the people that listen to My Chemical Romance are labeled, "Emo" by you inconsiderate conformists out there. So therefore, people under certain other categories do not listen to them because of these "Emo" people. Not because they truely hate Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Bob or Frank or their music. But the label emo is another subject entirely. What I'm trying to prove is this; People are different. If we weren't different, life would be boring. And people that piss apon people because they live a certain way and they don't like it, it total bullshit. People will continue to live their lives however they choose. So pick your battles. And don't get mad about rock bands. Because really, the people that listen to My Chemical Romance are not likely to bitch about your music because they have better things to do than disrepute other people's music.
My Chemical Romance Saved My Life
by Kathryn [Katie] November 13, 2006
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