A man that takes care of his body like a woman. For example; laser hair removal treatments, waxings, makeup. Pedicures and manicures. Now not all hetro-metrosexual's have to do all these things together to be labeled as such. Some may only enjoy body lotions and professional massages. Another only paint his toenails. Myself for example; I'm a hetro metrosexual who paints his toenails blue, purple, or any color he wants; he gets brazilian laser treatments, body lotions; also professional massages to relieve body aches and stress; he does not wear make-up that's his own personal line he will not cross. I also get leg waxings. Yet another man may only wear make-up yet do none of the other things, I just mentioned. We are all different all have are own unique tastes in how we feel comfortable in our own skin. And really that's all it's about being comfortable in your own skin; were all different all unique. But we are all 100% attracted to the opposite sex. No bi-curiosity whatsoever!
That guy isn't gay he's hetro metrosexual. I've seen him with his Wife he can't get enough of her. And when a hot looking woman walks by he looks twice! Never seen him look at a man.
by xbox360blue July 8, 2015
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Ashton Kutcher’s a metrosexual and he’s cool”

“No he’s gay
by Alibaster Slim August 6, 2012
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straight male with close ties to urban life and vanity. Also has narcistic tendancies and slight homosexual overtones. Also look at: pansy, sissy mary, panty waist, candy ass, fairy
Enrique Iglesias, Dave Beckham and anyone who: wears pink shirts, can't live with themselves if they wear white tube socks, uses the word "coutour", and crosses their legs so their knees touch
by Dr. Know It ALL December 1, 2003
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Someone who enjoys sexual intercourse with Geo Metros.
I think that Geo is hot, does that make me a metrosexual?
by car freak October 7, 2003
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No, no, no, no, NO! You are all wrong! none of the definitions of "metrosexual" in UD are correct!

A metrosexual is a man or a woman that will only agree to commit sexual intercourse if it's inside or in the immediate vicinity of a metro.
*while on a subway*

Guy 1: Omg, did you see that? we just passed two people having sex!

Guy 2: No big deal, they are just metrosexuals.
by Fruitfly July 19, 2012
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A "metrosexual" is an allegedly heterosexual male who spends a shitload of money on beauty products and fancypants-style clothes. These guys spend more time primping than divas or he-divas!
A woman should never date a metrosexual. He might steal her beauty products!
by Silky Smooth May 4, 2004
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Guy who takes care of himself in ways society classifies as feminine pursuits.
Sorry can't meet you at the bar, stripclub..., gotta get to the salon for my brow wax, manicure, pedicure and revitalizing facial wanna meet and go shopping after?
by Anonymous July 30, 2003
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