Maverick, is a term, noun, used to call a member of a youtube family named the Logang. Supporters of Logan Paul
by cdef1234 August 10, 2017
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Someone who plays by there own rules doesn't care what Society thinks about what they do they do what they want and have fire merch
by Nicolas maverick July 20, 2017
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One who takes it up the ass profusely while enjoying fruity beverages.
Mav, you fruity bender, stop that shit, man!
by Seebee77 September 23, 2003
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A man/boy that is a complete player/hustler
They think themselves completely awesome and unbreakable hard nuts and total studs.
They make use for eye candy because of good looks but not much else.
person#1: Whats dan like?
person#2: Oh he's a maverick!
person#1: Oh damn!
by maverickleader May 9, 2011
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A cool sounding word for neurodivergent people
They're more maverick; they don't conform to social expectations.
by polymath_ July 3, 2021
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A reckless hardcore pilot who doesn't play by the rules in the movie Top Gun, portrayed by Tom Cruise.
It was totally Maverick's fault that Goose died.
by Geegeekitty January 23, 2009
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