A portmanteau of Maury Povich with the words Ho and Bitch. A woman with a litter of illegitimate children from different men,(usually fat and black,but also trashy white,a few hispanic, but NEVER asian), that has no idea in the world who her baby's fathers may be because she has been inseminated more times than her memory allows her to remember. An utterly insatiable nymphomanic. She is usually dirt poor and uneducated and is know in her hometown as the neighborhood slut, whore, hood-rat, hoochie, ho, etc.. She always claims to be 100% positive that a certain man is her babies father just so she can get more welfare money and child support,but she knows in her mind that there is a 1 in 10 chance at best.
From the Maury Povich Show.
Jamal: "Yo Dee! Hook me up with your cousin Shawneeq. Babe girl be lookin good!"

Dee: "You sure about that! She gots like 10 kids from different dads, and I think she's pregnant."

Jamal: "I didn't know she was such a Maury HoBitch! But still lemme get her number. She can't get pregnant twice!
by alstin January 6, 2010
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When two males engage in sexual activity with a female, and they both bust nuts inside of her. Then when the slut err ... female, realizes she's pregnant she won't know who the baby daddy is.
Man, me and my boy Maury Poviched that hoe, and now she don't know which one of us is the baby's daddy
by Clark Kent, Jr December 18, 2007
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The Maury Effect:

The percentage certain that any given "ho" is that a particular "tool" is her "baby daddy" is directly and inversely proportionate the likelihood that said "tool" is in fact the father.

The Maury Effect:

Ho: *shouting* " 120% sure Wongjohn is MY baby daddy!"
Maury: "Wongjohn is NOT the father!
Ho: *runs from stage and throws self on groung*

Analysis: Because said "ho" was 120% certain WongJohn was the father, there was a 120% lieklihood that he was NOT the father.
by galexie September 14, 2009
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A bunch of men jack off into a bowl and stir it up with a spoon, then a girl comes and they put a funnel in her and pour it in her. Called "Maury Roulette" because it explains so many of the cases on Maury (TV Show)
Dude: "Ifa buncha dudes jacks off in like uh saucer bowl, den stirs it up wid a spoon. An a girl come and be like with a funnel an dey pours it in her pu.. uuh.... vaginas, an she have a baby... WHO DA DADDY?"

You: Well kid, that's Maury Roulette!
by ssh0ney April 5, 2012
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A guy who is so hardcore feminist it's to the point of being almost nauseating. His favorite theme is the paternity test, and he always coddles the girls and is mean to the men, even the men that are the right (yes, it DOES happen).
Maury Povich is almost out of tampons.
by Katopolis February 15, 2005
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The rule to only have sex with one guy per menstruation cycle. That way, if you get pregnant you won't end up on "The Maury Show" trying to figure out which one is the father?
Girl 1: I'm sorry Tony dumped you, but that Mark is looking fine! Are you gonna let him ..."comfort you" this weekend?

Girl 2: No girl, I'm obeying the "Maury Rule"... if I get pregnant, I'm going to know EXACTLY who the daddy is. Mark and I can wait a few weeks.
by ButtersFTMFW March 19, 2022
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1. When a woman's child is not her husband's/boyfriend's.

2. A child that is conceived in an affair.
3. When a woman doesn't know who her baby daddy is.
"Hey man! Did you see Lisa's baby?"
"Yeah. That's totally not her husband's!"
"Should we tell him we think it's a Maury baby?"
by Ilovecats September 14, 2014
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