A girl who is nice to everyone except the people who don’t like her. She has very few enemies, she likes nature and photography, she also is very single but if she were to find that special someone she would spoil them and never let them go. She is also in the heavier side but isn’t super fat
Hey Makenzie, let’s hang out
by Hhfkdd24( November 12, 2017
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a back stabber who will do any thing for attention. She secretly hates you and shes crushing on your boyfriend. She'll try and steal him from you. She's just a slut who will take anything she can get.
Damn, Makenzie is such a slut.
by blahsomeonewhodoesntcareblah February 19, 2011
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The most pure an innocent person ever, so we can't say dirty jokes in our chats when she's there. She won't hesitate to stab a bitch however, if needed. Will be your best friend for years and you'll love them.
Wow. We need to get a Makenzie in our life.
by Hamilmemes September 22, 2017
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Someone who stuck a whole bag of jelly beans up her ass and it’s been 24 hours since and she hasn’t seen one yet
Hey makenzie can I have a jelly bean?“no I stuck em up my ass
by Taco Libre 666666666666 November 30, 2018
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A loose twot, and a smelly one at that.

A back stabbing bitch who never has enough attention.

by mr. whorley March 29, 2007
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makenzie is one of the most loving people ever. she can be rude about some stuff she can get mad easy she loves being creative she love crafting. her favorite team is golden state worriors and west all stars (draymond green, j.r smith)
im so glad to have a girl like makenzie.
by radio mmod March 26, 2018
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Makenzie is a really loud girl, has no friends and is so thiccccccccc
by motomotorock April 14, 2019
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