This is what happens when a student is sitting in front of a screen, has nothing to do and internet is working (remember he's at school) so in order to vanquish boredom they go onto Google typing every key into the search engine.
Boy thinks: " Hmmm what to do?" *goes onto Google* `1234567890-=\/*-+987poiuytrewqasdfghjkl;'456321/.,mnbvcxz~!@#$%^&*()_+|}{":?><.......
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when your boredom stage is so high we cant call it boredom anymoree usually hapens when you discover you dont have a life
i was so bored of my life that i decided to ?.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321!@#$%ˆ&*()_+
by wow543210 February 19, 2018
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You type this when you are so bored you cannot function correctly and decide to type everything on your key board capitalized and lowercase
Bob: "Have you typed `1234567890-=+_)(*&^%$#@!~qwertyuiop\|}{POIUYTREWQasdfghjkl;'":LKJHGFDSAzxcvbnm,./?><MNBVCXZ yet?"
Jeff: "You need help"
by stillmatteo March 2, 2023
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What you type into the computer in order to test if urban dictionary has it. Because finding the answer to that question is significantly more intriguing than whatever you're doing in your period 8 math class.
"~!@#$%^&*()_+=-0987654321`QWERTYUIOP{}|\poiuytrewqASDFGHJKL:"';lkjhgfdsaZXCVBNM<>?/.,mnbvcxz.*clicks search*"
by January 25, 2022
Get the ~!@#$%^&*()_+=-0987654321`QWERTYUIOP{}|\][poiuytrewqASDFGHJKL:"';lkjhgfdsaZXCVBNM<>?/.,mnbvcxz mug.