A loud mouthed teen-aged female who ditches her friends for her own selfish ambitions. Also know as a back-stabber.
She's Lynne... what do you exspect?
by Xomikki May 31, 2010
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is that a lynn/
completely fuck herself
by drdggdfgfdg April 13, 2016
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a person who thinks he or she knows more than he or she actually knows


a person who is a complete and utter biotch
That teacher is a complete Lynn. She even uses quotations for words like "ride".
by sarah matahomo August 9, 2007
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The worst person you will ever meet. Simultaneously a complete moron and utterly confident in what they're saying.
Friend 1-"I was talking to this girl the other day and all she did was spout random nonsense the whole time."
Friend 2-"What a Lynn."
by Mused Pony May 8, 2019
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A woman who is one of the most caring, understanding people you will ever meet. She can make you smile when you are crying and laugh when you are angry. She is loyal to those who she cares about and is kind to even her enemies. She is beautiful beyond all measures, not just because of her perfect skin or her lushious hair, but because her heart is bigger than the ocean. She will be your best friend but she will put you in your place when you need it. She will do great things.
Jai-lynn is my best friend. What did I do to deserve her?
by Don't crush the cat January 10, 2018
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