The best dog in the world. She/he will love you with all their heart. Juno is the cutest dog in the world. Juno loves attention and will do anything for a treat. Juno is the best definition of a "man's best friend".
Emma: Your new puppy is soooo cute and loving. You should call her Juno!
Anna: That is a great idea!!!!
by Hhsjnxhccjsndhjxnndhfhksk December 8, 2019
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A young, likable, unmarried, pregnant girl.
"The service here is horrible. That Juno needs to hurry and take our order"
by alejandr013 September 1, 2008
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One of the most awful, cliche-ridden, pathetically written, poorly acted, out of touch, unfunny, rotten excuses for a movie that has ever been shat out of Hollywood's tainted, foul-smelling, disease-ridden, transvestite ass.
Steve: "Mike, why did you vomit on my shoes and then go on a murderous rampage?"

Mike: (between sobs) "I JUST WATCHED JUNO!!!"
by Jello Virus August 11, 2008
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The best movie ever. With Ellen Page, the world's best actress. About teen pregnancy, the world's worst thing. Beautiful.
by TurtlesWillRuleTheWorld July 1, 2010
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to have an unexpected prenancy (at a youngish - teens to early 20s - age)
Hey, I heard you Juno'ed your girl.
by naughtyca January 15, 2008
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