Condoms are expensive in the Englisg ghetto. Many youth are resorting to spent snack packaging as improvised contraceptive. Jolly ho.
Benjamin's contraceptive funds ran a bit skint, so he and Ema polished off a bag o crisps and wrapped his wee lilly dangler in the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
by Holy hog Truck June 3, 2022
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n. Any costly over-hyped event celebrating a doomed anachronistic institution.

Going to the park to watch the Canada Day celebrations? There’s going to be sensible safe fireworks and some mounted policemen pretending to spear Indians.

That royal jubilee! Not likely, eh.
by gnostic3 June 1, 2022
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She is a very short funny person. But when you get her mad she bites your ankles and kicks you like a soccer ball
by Aja1027 December 15, 2021
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jubilee is the most backstabbing two faced girl to ever exist. she backstabs all her friends and tries getting them suspended and she tries to turn everyone against her so called ‘friends’. she is also so sensitive and needs to learn how to shut up and stop bragging. she is toxic and bad for everyone’s health.
jubilee is the most backstabbing two faced girl to ever exist. she backstabs all her friends and tries getting them suspended and she tries to turn everyone against her so called ‘friends’. she is also so sensitive and needs to learn how to shut up and stop bragging. she is toxic and bad for everyone’s health.
by al.m.d August 11, 2021
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A degoratory term used to label the fatherless shitposting racist who interacts in the Arcane Odyssey forum website.
"I hate the Poles! I hate the Poles!"
"Ew! It’s Jubilee!! That racist brain fungus inducing piece of shit that lurks the forum!!”
by BigPenis445 December 14, 2021
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A degoratory term used to label a fatherless shitposting racist who interacts in the Arcane Odyssey forum website.
"I hate the Poles! I hate the Poles!"
Ew, Jubilee! What a dumb racist piece of shit
by BigPenis445 December 14, 2021
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A dirty monkey that refuses to take showers. Jubilees love to snack on toilet paper and other things that monkeys should not be chewing. They love to mix toilet paper with other foods. Jubilees are really ugly and annoying once they infect your house they will believe that they are apart of the family. The word jubilee can also be used as an adjective. They are also known for there lack of friends
Stop being such a Jubilee about it

You smell like jubilee
by John Henry Zemel January 28, 2023
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