Joel is the sweetest guy ever,he is great at hip hop and has a great sense of humor.

He will always help you and he will never disappoint you, he is very attractive and loves making people smile.

I have a crush on a dude named Joel...he doesn't know but i love him and i don't know if he's straight IR not but if possible i want to date him...

Joel Andrew if you read this, I Love You
Joel is so amazing
by Noah.Ball October 27, 2018
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The word Joel refers to a young man with ambition and a love of life. He lives for adventure and can never sit still, yet this works to his advantage as he is always able to do two or more things at once while holding the person he cares about near and dear to him. He is witty and intriguing, with a mind like no other and a genuine heart. He strongly believes in loyalty and honesty and is not afraid to admit when he was wrong.
Support him with his likes and hobbies and career goals and he will cherish you forever.
He is the kind of man that will hold you tight throughout the night, and kiss you first thing in the morning.

He is a gemstone among the pebbles.
The handsome and tall Joel made the girls weak at their knees
by Bouncy_bel May 24, 2019
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Just a normal guy who is addicted to eat ice cubes!
Girl 1: Joel is eating a ice cube!
Girl 2: I am not surprised he is addicted to them!
by JoelTheAcoholic June 25, 2018
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Such a cool guy. Very trustworthy and kind. He puts others before himself. If you know a Joel, treat him like your best friend. Because that's who he may become...
Me: I need someone to talk to *calla Joel*
by Abbey Sims November 11, 2019
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Joel is an amazing individual who can sometimes be a musician. A Joel is a very smart person. They also look very sexy and cute. The be a girlfriend or a friend of a Joel is an amazing honor. If you are a girl and meet a Joel, dump your boyfriend and become his girlfriend. If you meet Joel, try your best to become best friends with him.
"OMG it's Joel"
"WOW, I'm going to dump my boyfriend and he is going to be my new one!"
by annonymous999992 November 29, 2018
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1. to be blessed with good looks, popularity, intense musical prowess and a large fat penis is to be joel.

2. Well known for having an outgoing and positive attitude. people who are joel are often performers or artists.

3. a person who has all of the answers, even if he has to make them up. A person who is considered an expert even though he has shown absolutely no experience in the subject whatsoever.
1. That DJ's real name must be Joel, look at his package!

2. Dude, you just joeled that crowd!

3. When in doubt, if you don't know the answer, you just gotta be quick on your feet and Joel em!
by DJ Rage February 2, 2010
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1. An awesome name for an awesome guy.

2. To be Joel is to be really hot.

(e.g. wow. you are Joel)
alex: Wow that guy is hot!
karina: Oh that's Joel.
alex: oh my goodness.
by pussycat face May 10, 2009
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