Cute girl with tiny honkeraroozas. Obviously.
John Wayne: "Dude so the other night i was ragin' this party and I woke up next to an itty bitty tittie bittie. IT WAS SICCK."
by Trevor Hardcore October 11, 2011
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Itty bittie tities)..meaning tremendously small breast
Damn Sandra. Needs to buy miracle grow and put it all over her breast. Cause she has some itty bittie tities. .

Meet. Felicia she's the president and CEO. Of the itty bitty tittie committee
by Lilmixd84 September 3, 2016
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A community of people that go around and twist itty bitty titties on the third Tuesday of the month
Yo, you should come to the Itty Bitty Titty Commitee meeting tonight
by Not A Salad, I can promise you November 14, 2019
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A hoe who can’t get no mans
Yooo look at that ugly bitch over there she prolly an itty biddie
by Itsuckslargedong June 17, 2018
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