Sebastian Michealis's, from the anime Kuroshitsuji or in America Black Butler, catch phrase. In almost every episode he says that.
EPISODE . . . 4

Madam Red: Are you sure your just a butler? Are like some sort of secret military officer or something?

Sebastian Michealis: Oh no. You see, I am simply one hell of a butler
by WannabeTheBloodyFoxy September 21, 2011
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A phrase that can have two meanings depending on the gestured used with it or the way said.

In thec first meaning if said with a gesture by your hand with a rounded circle to make a monocle it means "see you later"

In the second meaning if only one finger forms the monocle and the rest are out is to mean "see you later a**hole"
Be seeing you!
by Theamazinggeek April 10, 2019
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1. You're about to die.
2. Your face is very ugly and no one wants to rape you.
3. You're high.
4. You're just stupid.
5. You're just a retard that fuckin has problems.
6. You just sucked a infected dick.
7. You're on your period.
8. You just drank some menstrual juice.
9. You saw a Michael and got high.
10. You just got Harrison'd.
11. Vanessa shoved a dildo up your ass and you enjoyed it like how a bitch enjoys a big fat blowjob.
12. Justin Bieber. 'Nuff said.
13. You read a gay chain letter email and apparently got a seizure.
14. You just saw a hot chick that mind-raped you in the ass.
15. You saw the number 15.
16. Your computer blew up on you and you became so gay that your mom gave you a fingering.

High Guy: Dude, what does it mean when you see flying platypuses?

My ass: A lot of things. Why?

High Guy: Cuz I see flying platypuses.
by Chewbacca the cat May 20, 2011
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A usual response to the question "Wassup can a loc come up in your crib?"
Saying that you will see he who questions you at your place of work, on top of this we can imply that the two people conversing are from the same place of work
Lamar: "Wassup, can a loc come up in your crib"
Franklin: "Man fuck you, I see you at work"
by WyattB2005 January 15, 2021
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refering to someone who is not on your level or who you believe is below you
a friend says: i can pull way more girls than you can

you say: you can't see me, i'll pull more than you ever could and they'll all be better looking too.
by DeFinerz January 26, 2006
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A phrase used by a boyfriend or girlfriend when they want to break up with their significant other but don't have the spine to actually say they want to break up.
"So, are you breaking up with me?"

"I don't know. I just want a relationship where I'll see you when I see you."
by Tommyt September 23, 2014
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