a state of being lazy or procrastinating. Can also be used when in a nonchalant or laidback mood. Induces sleepiness.
Assignment due tomorrow? Hua Ze Lei, do it later.
by JaeTerius June 7, 2003
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A chinese retard who loves cock in his ass (Chinese Slang)
Can also refer to someone who has rich siblings
Oh wow, he is such a jie hua
by black nibba 27 February 6, 2018
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The place where immature and crazy students go to hate on chinese. Home to many biased chers and also nice and bad gurls. Its basically a cesspool.
"OMG, that guys from nan hua primary school, hes so weird."
by orangpingu October 15, 2021
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biased chers, dirty and cray cray students, its a cesspool. We all love it.
Also some ppl are sussy.
"Its uh uh uh uh its crazy"- siyan
Nan hua primary school is qiite a fun place to learn at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!11!
by orangpingu October 15, 2021
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a viral video of an egg headed man singing xue hua piao piao
"did you see the newest meme?"

"xue hua piao piao"
by violebel July 28, 2020
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