When three or more heterosexual men (usually Bros) sleep in the same bed together with only boxers on after a long night of getting drunk.
"Yo man, wanna go drinking tonight?"
"Yeah sure, bring Ed?"
"Are we gonna be flumping?"
"If needs must, we shall flump"
by Boymankalot September 29, 2013
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A flump (fl-uh-mp) is generally used to describe a woman, whom at first glance, is considered to be very unattractive/ undesirable, ugly, disgusting, and mostly someone whom you would not sleep fuck with. However at a second glance, nearly immediately after the first glace/ initial reaction, you have a sudden realization that you would indeed still have sex with her and/or "wouldn't kick her out of bed".
"That girl last night was a Flump for sure ."
"Your sister is a Flump surrounded by trash ass bitches."
by SICINFESTATION March 3, 2018
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A phony baseball metric which is an acronym for Femoral Leverage Under Max Pressure.

Many genius baseball minds within the league use FLUMP, as a way to discern which pitchers which eventually become injured or innefective throughout the course of a season, or a career.

Mike Rizzo, Billy Beane and Rick Peterson are a few FLUMP's largest proponents.

It is the most esoteric of all the sabermetrics to be sure.
Billy Beane did not feel that Bartolo Colon's upcoming free agency would warrant a new extension due to Colon's rapid decline in FLUMP. Lack of femoral leverage results in a lack of dollars offered within the Sabermetrician's inner circle.
by Heinrich138 November 22, 2015
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A word that means more than love. The truest form of endearment.
I Flump you. I Flump you with all my heart.
by Dante6969 February 28, 2018
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The iteration in which you have fumbily thrown a ball or small object to the point it goes nowhere near the target location.
I would have been able to save him, but my partner flumped the med kit.
by The Instightful Orange December 27, 2016
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flumped is when you are full but have room for dessert.
im so flumped, but i'll have me some cake as well.
by ima kill someone January 17, 2018
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This word can mean absolutely anything. It can be used as any part of a sentence. Variations of 'flump' can include the following: 'flumped', 'flumping', 'flumper', 'flump out', 'flumped out'. Basically, there are no rules governing this word.
Would you like to flump out this evening?

I just flumped from New York City to Philadelphia.

I've been flumping a new jacket today. I like it.
by jewcb_42 January 26, 2011
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