The Florida Fedora is when a man poops on top of a female's head (creating the hat), and then ejaculates on top of it (creating a fashionable fedora feather).
The Florida Fedora Vinny gave to that girl last night looks very stylish.
by Injong August 31, 2017
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Look that that douche with his face fedora, why not just smoke a real one like an adult.
by Canonical douche October 4, 2016
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Notch’s fedora is an ancient relic, and whoever wears it is the rightful hair to the babylonian throne. It was first mentioned in Mein Kampf as «One fedora to rule them all» It currently resides in the bottom of King Kong’s unopened champagne bottle labeled «Obama Juice»
Notch’s fedora, the one the only.
by Karlonien March 21, 2021
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A sexual act in which a man removes a penis covered in semen and feces from a woman's anus, touches the tip of the penis to the woman's forehead, and exclaims, "M'Lady!"
Susan got wasted at the bar last night and took home a neckbeard. I heard he gave her a Dirty Fedora.
by KetchupHorse November 16, 2015
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A vomit fedora is an object in which one vomits into after tipping it for a lady and said lady kicks them in the dick.
Some wench kicked me in the dick, so I vomited into my vomit fedora.
by Bernie Sanders Twitter Account November 26, 2018
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When you get furloughed from work.
Hollywood: Why are you so sad, Slip?
Slippy T: I got the Polish Fedora today, I don't know how I'm going to pay the rent.
by Gogh Rawski March 28, 2020
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A gentleman gamer who wears the hat of honor for his damsel in distress, a knight without shining armor who is better than those chads that mommie is taking out and is too busy with to make tendies
“Hello M’lady, what a fine evening ‘man *tips fedora* would you like to go out with a gentleman gamer like myself ?”
“That’s ok, I’m a cordial person and I myself sudied the art of the blade m’lady
*tips fedora and waddles away with arms flailing like flaccid spaghetti*
^this is a fedora fag
by Tard guard April 26, 2018
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