Fag is an acronym for the term "Freaky Alien Genotype" as popularized by the group "Team Four Star". F.A.G is meant to describe aliens who's somewhat affemanent appearance makes them androgynous enough to question their sexuality.
Krillen: Those dudes are scary. Especially that one in the middle. He looks like a total fag

Gohan: Krillen!

Krillen: What? A freaky alien genotype. What did you think

I meant?

Gohan: Oh....I thought you meant a derogatory term for homosexual.

Krillen: THAT THING'S A GUY?!?!
by VIPRedSoxDragon August 22, 2010
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Look at that fag with his collar poped
by EFG1221 November 14, 2009
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someone who plays Pokemon Stadium and gets worked up over it.
Bill: I had to rip Jonny of the N64
Ryan: was he playing Pokemon Stadium again?
Bill: what a fag
by BBBalla10 March 4, 2007
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anyone on a crusade to promote a lame South Park joke equating Harley riders with "fags".
The fag joke was mildly interesting when it first appeared, but it is annoying an inconsiderate to repost it over & over. Get a life, loser.
by Fleritoob January 23, 2010
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to post the same dumb South Park joke to Urban Dictionary over & over again
It's really annoying and inconsiderate to fag up Urban Dictionary with some stupid TV joke about Harley riders.
by trooey January 24, 2010
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to inundate Urban Dictionary with countless repetitions of a lame joke from a cartoon as a definition of "fag."
The man with no life thought he was on a crusade to spread the word of a corporate cartoon by calling Harley riders "fags." He was an idiot.
by Yuoplatessessiess January 31, 2010
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Annoying and inconsiderate Harley riders who crave attention because of a childhood without a dad so no one paid any attention to them when they were younger so they want attention now. These people normally move in groups or packs.
Look at that group of fags ruining our perfect get away.
by ChangethedefinitionofFAG January 12, 2021
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