a less rude substitute for the word fuck
go feck yourself
by chris cuthbert February 9, 2004
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a slang term meaning "fuck" used by the Irish and thoes of Irish decent.

When "fuck" is pronounced with a heavy irish accent, it sounds like "feck" which has now been adopted as a word in and of itself by thoes of irish decent, but without irish accents.
Oiefa, our exchange student from ireland, called me a "feckin eegit"

Sarah's grandparents were from county cork, and she says feck all the time.
by Oiefa Sheeny August 19, 2007
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a kinder, gentler way of saying "FUCK"
1. you got a new car? well FECK ME!!
2. FECK this class gosh darnit
by Anonymous May 29, 2002
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Slang expletive, an alternative to fuck. Also "large quantity," and "throw," and "steal."
He fecks out of his mother's purse all the time.
Baby fecked her lunch across the room.
The freight train had a feck of boxcars.
He was ornery the feck of the week
by wclay1 January 22, 2011
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A word that can be used to describe any situation or person who is grubby, annoying, wicked, or lame.
'You are such a feck Mary!'
'Oh my god, look at that feck old man'
'This is the feck-est car!'
'Go away you feck. You are such a loser.'
by madkhat July 4, 2005
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jess-"there's a puddle of piss and shit in the kitchen."
kiley-"well, feck!"
by kiley89 January 17, 2008
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