If you see this you should send this hottie some money
Dariane is fine as hell

Dariane is so perfect
by DONYEEEE November 23, 2021
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This rude tall skinny kid who has moved to the Dominican Republic, but I hear he has moved back to New York.
Guy 1: Darian always used to talk out in class.
Guy 2: Exactly he always got in trouble. One time in middle school he put dreadlocks in his hair.
by tecopux September 13, 2021
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A tall skinny fool who moved to DR who is a bully to everyone.
Guy 1: Yo, u know who that tall skinny Dominican boy is
Guy 2: Oh, yeah that's Darian
by tecopux July 29, 2021
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A name that is popular among yassified emos.
"Darian is such a little bottom."

"That yassified emo kid? Yeah."
by Tsu Doe-Nym June 30, 2022
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A surprisingly b*tch, curvy and eloquent, magnificently colossal, flamboyant and animal (Every Darian should know the meaning of this phrase in Spanish). Even though she can be a little closed at first, if you gain her friendship she's going to be the best friend you can ask for, loyal to death, brrrr. Sometimes she can treat you like she's mad at you, but she doesn't really mean it, and believe me: if she does this she loves you with all her heart. Confident, Cheerful, defender of justice, supportive, and obviously crazy.
Wow, that girl taught him a lesson. She must be a Darian!
by Candy36 November 25, 2021
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The perfect match maker, everyone calls him Cupid, its said that the people he matches will live long and happy marriage
Wow that Darian sure is good at putting people together, I see why they call him Cupid
by Cake_19 August 14, 2021
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A very sweet girl with emotional ups and downs. Darian is a very daring charismatic and the only girl in my eyes. Do no test her, because she is not the force to reckon with.
Darian is the most beautiful girl in the entire universe and she is the most intelligent person I know.
by 222xx222 March 13, 2022
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