Corbin is usually a shy, kind hearted boy, usually with blonde hair but one of Corbin's flaws is losing at everything he does and in every sport and activity.
Why does Corbin lose at life
by Mouseman69420 October 3, 2018
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the most incredible guy you could ever meet! he loves his girl (ana) so much! he treats her as a princess<3 he knows how to make her feel special! hes the aaltime bestestest, sorry ladies he taken<3
by corbin's ana January 28, 2018
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a overly large penis the size of a skateboard
i looked at my corbin today and it was the size of my skateboard
by pooplik June 18, 2008
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The disgusting act of adding or friending girls with low self-esteem on a social network website and making cheesy, flirtatious status updates in order to obtain likes and comments.
Person 1: Did you see Tony's status last night? He got 40 likes within 10 minutes.

Person 2: I know, he's such a corbining whore.

Person 1: Yeah, what a fag.
by DoctorCocktopus January 13, 2012
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corbin is a big fat nigga, annoying ass nigga cheese spaghetti lettuce head fuckin cheese burger brains
bruh you're such a corbin......... retard
by niagsuqwg yuGE FIHAW August 27, 2019
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An individual who enjoys getting a lit cigarette shoved in their cornhole while aggressively making love to multiple men.
Did you see that Corbin with all those Virginia Slims hanging out of his ass on Haley Street?
by Riley170 August 10, 2011
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