A very good Super Nintendo roleplaying Game created by Squaresoft, which features about 10 different endings. In the game, your characters through time and fight monsters. Probably most famous among retards for featuring character designs by Akira Toriyama.

Also the name of a very important item in said game.
Larry was playing Chrono Trigger again. What a fucking fag.
by Legato February 20, 2003
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mathematical equations in which 2 antipotic opinions can co-exist and both be right
you would be too confused, so its not even worth it
by combat wafflle March 7, 2005
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The PXIII Forum's

1. Random Post person

2. Creator of "I'm Leaving" Threads

3. Gender Ambigious Thing

4. Annoyance to Trolls and Flamers

5. Soundtrack producer

6. Sometimes Peacekeeper

7. Lurker/Moderator of ROTS

8. Person who is always RPing in ROTS

9. Makes pointless lists and survays

10. Person who spends more time there then almost everyone

12. Silent Hill fanatic

11. Disliker of Resident Evil
Hey, I'm Chrono The Stampede (A.K.A: Chrono_D or jusr Chrono )
by The Nameless one February 6, 2004
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When you turn up to a cycling time trial and perform appallingly, then generate list of excuses in your head as you roll back from the finish to the race HQ, but cannot think of any so blame it on a cold you might have had recently.
"Pete that was a shit performance"

"I know Trev, got a bit of Chrono Virus and heavy legs"

"What the fuck are heavy legs?"

"Dunno, gfgi"
by Davetherave2 March 13, 2020
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Definition of Chrono

:short for chronological order

See Chronological Order below.

Definition of Chronological Order

: of, relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time
The chrono order of the Marvel Universe production started with Howard the Duck.
by FecMediaGroup July 31, 2021
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1. he sucks
2. smelly
3. smelly
by Link_bot September 17, 2022
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