US Army slang common during the Vietnam War, although possibly originating much earlier than this. It means a soldier who is a combat virgin who has not been 'blooded' and, therefore, one whose behaviour in combat is unpredictable. The arrival of a new soldier as a replacement in an established unit was always difficult, hence the referral to such an arrival as FNG (Fucking New Guy). Where this soldier had not seen combat the difficulty was compounded and the established troops viewed them with suspicion as an unknown quantity.
We just got a load of replacements for the guys evaced out last week, no lifers all FNG cherries.
by Croatalin April 27, 2014
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When smoking, usually pot, the nug inside the bowl is glowing red and still able to burn with out a lighter

*Looks like a cherry when its in the bowl
Dude 1: Dude, give me the lighter
Dude 2: No dude, just hit it, it's cherried
by potsmything August 12, 2004
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something awesome or cool
just a response you use when your blind like shoots.
person 1 lands a sick kickflip
person 2: brah that was cherry.l
by side stick February 26, 2015
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1. It's all good, chill, cool; just go with it.

2. The weed in your piece is still lit and another person can take a hit without a lighter.

3. Referring to a girl's virginity and how she has not yet popped her cherry.
1. "Dude, I know you were drunk when you puked on my couch! Don't trip, it's cherry!"

2. "Here! Hit it, hit it! It's cherry!"

3. "He can't go after her while she's drinking! She's cherry, that's just not cool."
by SRRABON6890 January 7, 2009
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This is US Army slang commonly used during the Vietnam War. It was also used during the Korean War and may even date back to World War II. It means a soldier who is a combat virgin whose behaviour in combat is, therefore, unpredictable. When soldiers like this arrived in a unit, as a replacement for someone killed or wounded, they were often viewed with suspicion and were referred to as FNGs, until they had proved themselves.
The replacements we got are all FNG cherries, no lifers, number ten.
by AKACroatalin February 21, 2019
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A membrane in a woman's vagina, known more properly as a hymen. And unlike most jackasses on this site think, it's not necessarily broken in sex. It can be broken by a tampon, by fingering, or anything else that gets inside there.
I popped my girlfriend's cherry while I fingered her.
by GuitarBurst05 June 28, 2004
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When something is in near perfect condition mint
Dave's 66 corvette is cherry
by Merkin March 21, 2005
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