A "Chang" is a particularly Asian person who fits into the Asian steryotype perfectly.
by Bdbdnsn December 16, 2018
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quarter,dime,g,etc. of marijuana
anything below an ounce

an ounce being a dollar and anything below that being change
dealee:sup main i need a lil green
dealer:yea sure dude i got some change for ya
by i'm really gay August 20, 2006
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A commonly used phrase that signifies both to Chill and to Hang in one fancy word
Yo dude, let's go chang at your place
by DonaldW May 3, 2008
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used to describe one's "wang" or "penis and/or nutsack area"
Dylan: Hello sir, would you like to touch my chang?
Mike: No.
by chang_toucher14 January 18, 2011
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to smoke mad bowls with your friend(s) and get super highhhhh :).
person 1: "yooo wanna come over and chang with me?"
person 2: "yea i'm down."
by cheesesleezable February 19, 2011
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An Asian who everyone thinks is Chinese but actually isn't.
Me: Dude are you Chinese?
Him/Her: No I'm not!!
Me: But you're a Chang...
by sergio thresh butthole February 12, 2015
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